While the vaccines start to be distributed, the COVID-19 remains present in France and worldwide. It is therefore very important that everyone remains alert and respects both the barrier measures and the current restrictions. From Saturday April 3rd, restrictive measures already in force in some parts of France are extended to the whole of the country. This article would introduce you about the rules and regulation if you travel to or from France during COVID-19. And if you are going to travel out France, make sure you check the restrictions that your destination sets. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to help you handle your travel needs by email (info@frenchwaytravel.com) or by phone (New York : +1 212 243 3500, Paris : + 33 1 44 06 08 70).
On January 29, the French government announced the closure of its borders to all travel to non-European countries, except when compelling circumstances exist. On March 11, the French government lifted travel restrictions for U.K., Australia, South Korea, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore. The United States is not included among the excepted countries.
For more information, you can check the official website of the French gouvernement in English or in French.
COVID-19 in France
France is hit by a 3rd wave of COVID-19 throughout the country.
From 6AM to 7PM you must stay within 10km of your home, except for the following reasons:
Physical activity within ten kilometres of your residence, without forming groups or participating in team sports.
Commuting to and from work, school or training place; carrying out essential business trips that cannot be postponed;
Medical appointments that cannot be carried out remotely or postponed; obtaining medicines;
Essential family reasons, assisting vulnerable persons, persons in a precarious situation or taking care of children;
Persons with a disability and their accompanying person;
Judicial or administrative summons; meetings with legal professionals that cannot be conducted remotely or postponed;
Participating in a mission of general interest upon request from an administrative authority;
Transit travel related to long distance journeys;
Shopping for essential supplies, for professional supplies, to collect orders or deliveries, or moving house.
Going to or from places of worship, libraries, etc.;
Judicial and administrative procedures.
You must carry an exemption certificate if you need to go further than 10km or if you do not have proof of residence.
From 7PM to 6AM, a curfew is in force in metropolitan France. You may only leave your home for the following reasons and with an exemption certificate:
Commuting to and from work, school or training place; carrying out essential business trips that cannot be postponed;
Medical appointments that cannot be carried out remotely or postponed; obtaining medicines;
Essential family reasons, assisting vulnerable persons, persons in a precarious situation or taking care of children;
Persons with a disability and their accompanying person;
Judicial or administrative summons; meetings with legal professionals that cannot be conducted remotely or postponed;
Participating in a mission of general interest upon request from an administrative authority;
Air or rail transit related to long distance journeys;
Walking a pet outdoors within 1km of one’s place of residence and for a brief amount of time.
An electronic version of the certificates is also available on the TousAntiCovid application (English and French) and may be presented to authorities on your smartphone.
If you do not respect lockdown or curfew rules, you may be liable for a €135 fine. Further offenses may lead to larger fines or prosecution. Police checks are being increased.
During your stay in France, download and activate the TousAntiCovid application (in English and French).
Moreover here are the measures you should respect:
- At home:
DON’T have people round. DON’T go to other people’s houses.
DO work from home if you possibly can. DO make sure to air your home several times a day.
- Outside:
YOU MAY meet other people in small groups of less than six adults.
YOU SHOULD NOT eat or drink with other people.
YOU MUST wear a mask and respect the barrier measures.
Work from home is encouraged as much as possible. If you cannot work from home, shift schedule are recommended.
Nurseries are shut until 26 April.
The national school calendar has been modified: spring holidays now run from 10 April to 26 April, wherever you are in France.
Kindergartens (maternelles) and primary schools will put in place distance learning from 6 April to 10 April. Pupils will return to school on 26 April.
Secondary and high schools (collèges and lycées) will put in place distance learning from 6 April to 10 April and from 26 April to 30 April. Pupils will return to school on 3 May, with a mix of distance and on-site learning according to local conditions.
All pupils over the age of six must wear a mask while at school (except in kindergartens).
University will continue to apply current rules (i.e. distance learning in most cases). Students may go on-site one day per week.
Shops and Venues
Shops selling essential goods and services may open, as may bookshops, record stores, DIY shops, florists and garden centres, hairdressers, cobblers, chocolate shops, car sellers and estate agents. These shops must close for 7PM.
Bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, museums and gyms remain closed.
Public services remain open.
Places of worship may open. Congregations must practice social distancing (one row out of two and one seat out of three.
You must wear a mask in all venues.
Overseas Territories
The measures applied in metropolitan France are not in force in the Overseas Territories. Each Territory applies specific measures, which may include curfews or lockdowns, depending on the circulation of the virus in the specific Territory. Visit the website of the relevant Prefecture or High Commission for the latest information.
In order to travel to an Overseas Territory you must present a negative PCR test less than 72 hours old and a compelling reason to travel.
National Travel
From 5 April, you may not travel outside your régionwithout a pressing reason or professional reason to do so, and with an exemption certificate.
French Nationals abroad may however travel back to France, and cross-border workers may continue to cross the border.
Information about travel to and from France is available in English on the website of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Travel to France
Who can travel to France and How
For travel to France, different rules apply depending in whether the travel originates from within the “European area”, from the United Kingdom, or from all other countries, including the United States.
There are no restrictions for travel to Metropolitan France from the European space (European Union Member States, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marina, Switzerland, Vatican).
For travel from the United States or any other country outside of the European area and the UK, as well as travelers present within the last 30 days in any country outside the European area or the United Kingdom, all travelers need a compelling reason to enter France.
Conditions to Travel to France
Travelers need to have a negative PCR test in the last 72 hours. They need to self-quarantine for 7 days after arrival in France and do a second PCR test at the end of the 7 days. Those that come from countries where PCR test are not available, will ask for an exemption at the French Consulat and will be tested at arrival. They will be quarantined at a location designated by the authorities.
To enter France, you must fill out and carry with you two documents:
- The exempted movement certificate for Metropolitan France which can be downloaded on the Ministry of the Interior’s website. You must present this certificate to travel companies before using your travel ticket, as well as to border control authorities (for travel by air, sea, and land, including by rail).
- A declaration that you do not have COVID-19 symptoms (included in the same document)
(All these documents can be downloaded from the Ministry of the Interior’s website).
Compelling reasons to Travel to France
Indicative list of compelling reasons justifying travel between France and a country or territory which is not part of the European area. Documents proving the situation will be required.
Compelling personal or family-related reasons:
- Death of a direct-line family member, or a brother or a sister / Visit to a person whose condition is life-threatening for direct-line family members;
- Custody of children by the parent with parental authority or whose custody right is recognised by a court decision;
- Assistance to the elderly, sick or disabled who have no other support;
- Order to present oneself to a judicial or administrative authority;
- Legal or economic impossibility to remain in the territory in which the person is located;
- Making the person safe (protection of children and combating the illicit movement of children abroad / protection to victims of intrafamily violence);
- Return to the main residence when the journey was started before 31 January 2021;
- Students beginning, resuming or ending their studies;
Compelling health reason:
- Vital medical emergency (for the person as well as an accompanying person if their presence is essential)
Compelling professional reasons:
- Missions indispensable for continuation of an economic activity, requiring a physical presence which cannot be postponed and whose postponement or cancellation would have clearly disproportionate consequences or would be impossible (including transport professionals);
- Health professional involved in the fight against Covid 19 or participating in cooperative operations of a major health interest;
- Particular missions related to the exercise of public power prerogatives (including diplomatic missions) which cannot be deferred or postponed;
- Professional high-level athletes taking part in meetings validated by the Ministry of Sports.
Upon arrival
Health checks upon entry into the French overseas territories are adapted for each territory.
Traveling in France
If you are going to travel within metropolitan France, you may travel freely. Please travel responsibly and consider whether your trip is necessary. You must always wear a mask on public transport, on public closed spaces and even on outdoor public areas in some cities.
Travel out of France
- Compelling health reasons (traveler must state precisely what that reason is);
- Compelling family reasons (traveler must state precisely what that reason is);
- Compelling professional reasons that cannot be postponed (traveler must state precisely what that reason is); or
- To return to the traveler’s country or residence or country or origin. In such a case, travelers have no guarantee they will be allowed back into France without a compelling reason.
Under the fourth reason, U.S. citizens and legal residents of the United States may return to the United States. However, France may refuse to allow them to back into France if they cannot show a compelling reason when they try to return. Additional information on what constitutes compelling reasons can be found in French at the end of the attestation.
If you need more information or to help you handle your travel needs, Frenchway is ready to assist you, don’t hesitate to contact us by email (info@frenchwaytravel.com) or by phone (New York : +1 212 243 3500, Paris : + 33 1 44 06 08 70).